Life Coaching

For Individuals
Make An AppointmentAbout Me

What Exactly is Life Coaching?
Do I really need it?

Life Coaching Basics

We help you discover your path forward and come up with an accountability plan.  Maybe it’s time for a new life or career direction.  Maybe you’ve had a change that you were not expecting and are now stuck.  We can help you figure out your next move, or next 10 moves.

Do You Need Life Coaching

Do you want to change the trajectory of your life?

Have you had an unexpected life or career change?

Do you have goals that you are not reaching?

Are you stuck in a job or relationship that no longer suits you?

Do you feel like there is something missing in your life?

Do you need someone to help you stay accountable?

What I Can Help You With




Personal Development



Time Management



My Approach to Life Coaching

IntuAction coaching is about putting your ideas into action. Maybe you don’t know where to start. We can work together to discover where that starting point is, and at the same time work on where you going. What is the next step in your personal or career journey?

Everyone is looking for answers. Whether it is what you are going to do with your next career, or how does your business get to the next level. Coaching can help find the answers. There are lots of life coaches out there and all of them are a little different. Finding the right coach for you or your business is a matter of finding the right fit.

personal growth
getting out of your own way

Finding Your Path

You never know what is likely to show up in your path.  Do you need to wait for situations to change, or do you need to find another way.  The path you take may not be on the map.  That’s why we try to give you a compass to navigate with.  We tend to start our journey in life thinking that the path our parents or high school guidance counselor laid out for us is right for us.  It doesn’t usually take long for things to take a new direction.  Eventually, you may find yourself in a place you never anticipated.  It may or may not be where you want to be. 

We generally need to take a step back to see where we are and where we are going.  Many of us are finding directions that weren’t even on the menu when we started out in life.  And then comes the question – are we living our life, or someone else’s?  

Is it Time for Plan B?

Maybe it’s an internal voice you are responding to, or maybe a medical diagnosis.  Perhaps a relationship or a job is coming to an end?  We tend to look at life as predictable until it isn’t.  Covid-19 was a huge wakeup call for many people.  5 years later, a new administration is changing things for many people.  Whatever it is for you, something is telling you it’s time for something new. It can be really tempting to sell the house and buy an RV or move to another country, but that is generally more an escape than establishing a new direction.

Maybe you have a crazy idea that doesn’t make a lot of sense.  How do you make the leap without crashing and burning?  No one can guarantee your success.  Sometimes you have to go in a direction, only to fail, so you can find what you are really supposed to do next.  Remember you can’t learn to swim by standing on the shore.  Time to jump in, the water is great.  

Escape to Tuscany
Thinking Remote First

Escape the 9 to 5

Most people have had a taste of working remote in the last 5 years.  The models for how work and life interact can be different than what we grew up with.  What does that look like for you?  Is it simply working at home or in a different location for a company, or maybe it’s time to do something for yourself.

 Lots of people are finding different models for their life other than the traditional commute to the office only to be chained to a desk 8 plus hours per day. Maybe you want to create a course or write a book.  Perhaps you want to freelance doing writing, editing, programming, SEO, accounting, bookkeeping, insert your choice here.   The possibilities are endless once you look outside your comfort zone.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Coaching?

Unlike therapy, we don’t spend a lot of time focusing on your path.  We all have baggage.  It’s just a matter of whether you carry it around with you, or use it as a platform to stand on.  Life coaching focuses more on your future and how we get there.

How Do I Know if life Coaching Is Right for Me?

Chances are you are at a place where you are looking for answers.  Maybe you tried therapy and it wasn’t a fit.  There is no one right answer.  But if you want to be somewhere other than where you are in your life, relationship or career, life coaching can probably help. 

Do You have an office?

No – I try to do everything remote.  I live in the middle of the woods.  I have had people come to meet me, but for the most part video calls tend to work best – especially if you are in a different state or country.  

Do You Offer Ongoing coaching Services?

Our general coaching program is 3-6 months to get things moving in the right direction.  Depending on your needs at that point will determine what makes sense going forward.  We do both consulting and coaching based on our customer needs.






88 Old Goshen Road Williamsburg, Ma 01096